Our Language (Seira Larat Fordata)

The name of the language is Fordata. The reader might be thinking that the name of this language isn’t right, because it’s taken from only one of the islands in the Taninbar archipelago, even though there are other languages on these other islands, like the Yamdena, Selaru, Seluwasa and Makatian languages. The Fordata language can be called the Seira-Larat-Fordata language, but that’s a bit strange for local speakers. Yet because the Fordata language is spoken on many other islands, so the name Fordata is the normal name used. The expression Fordata language has been used for a long time in all of Tanimbar. Fordata island is also considered as a center of traditions and customs for the area where Fordata is spoken.

The Fordata language has significant differences in pronunciation from end to end, and small differences even from village to village. There are two main dialects, that being Fordata-Larat and Seira. The Fordata-Larat dialect has three sub-dialects, that being Fordata-Larat I, Fordata-Larat II and Molo-Maru, yet the pronunciation or sub-dialect of Fordata-Larat I is considered more neutral.

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